Ever had the thought of sharing something about your life which is critical but couldn’t find a person to share it with? You might be struggling to sort out your thoughts and feelings about something and getting all nerves about it! Or having some ideas which you would like to work upon or you might be having a bucket list in your mind but not really sure what to do with it. Journaling helps a lot with these issues, get clarity on thoughts and ideas and helps to work towards self-improvement.
Journaling is very useful in managing your emotions and feelings and can get you through really hard times. I have been journaling for 13 years and it has sailed me through really tough times, helped get clarity on my thoughts, helped to build up on ideas to pursue my goals and pulled me up when I needed it the most. So, let’s discuss in this post about how to start journaling as a beginner.
1. Begin With A Fresh Journal/Diary/Notebook
Have a separate journal or diary or even a notebook if you want to start journaling. Starting it on a fresh note helps with the positive mindset. According to me pen and paper mode is the best way to journal as it is more raw and old school and also more effective than the digital formats that are available these days.
2. Set Aside At Least 5 Minutes For Journaling
This time frame will be a self-care time where you take care of your mental health and emotions. Mental health is equally important as our physical health but most people tend to ignore it which leads to anxiety, depression and stress and leaves a negative impact on our overall well being. So, taking out a few minutes for yourself should not be that difficult. You can journal daily or weekly or whenever you feel like it but the more the frequency the better it will be.
3. What To Write On A Journal?
a) Pen Down Your Thoughts And Feelings (Brain Dump)
Write down the thoughts and feelings that come to your mind when you sit for journaling. This is also called as ‘Brain Dump’ as in you are writing down whatever comes to your mind and putting it on paper, out of your brain. This helps to process the emotions that are bothering you and help you to get clarity on your thoughts. It also creates a sense of sharing your thoughts with somebody when you write these down and so you get to vent out your mind at the comfort of your own space.
b) List Down Your Ideas
Write down any sort of ideas or concepts that you would like to work upon. Ideas about your studies, career, any business idea, any skill that you would like to develop or anything that you would like to pursue in your life. This helps in getting a concise view of the things that you want to work upon and the steps that you need to take to develop those ideas. It helps to keep you accountable about the steps that you need to execute.
c) Make A Bucket List
Bucket List is a term used to refer to a list of things that a person wishes to do or achieve in a lifetime. You can make a list of things that you want to do, new experiences that you want to try, places that you want to visit or goals you want to achieve in your lifetime. Even better to keep a separate journal or a particular section for this list so that you can keep on adding up things as they come to your mind. You can go as crazy as you want with your bucket list!
d) Make A Gratitude Journal
A gratitude journal is where you express gratitude towards something or somebody. You can write the things that you are grateful for in your life, the people that you are grateful for being a part of your life or anything else that you truly feel thankful about. Gratitude journal is known to help elevate your state of mind towards a more positive life. In circumstances filled with negative emotions, expressing gratitude helps in bringing back the balance in your mind so that you can take the necessary steps to overcome such situations.
e) Journal Your Daily or Weekly Life
You can keep an account of your daily or weekly life on your journal. The incidents that happened, events that took place or anything that you want to write about. Date these writings, it will be so much fun to look back on these notes and wonder about the things that happened on those days! Daily journaling also helps to develop a writing habit that helps in increasing critical thinking and bring clarity on your thoughts.
There are so many ways through which you can start journaling and realize the value that it brings to your life. It is always helpful to pen down the things that go through your mind and get some clarity on it. Start journaling on a frequent basis and see for yourself the benefits that you get and the self-development that follows.
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Ritu 💛
Join me on this journey and let’s be friends!
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